BODY-WEIGHT Holiday Body Weight Training Program

Are you travelling for work, or are you about to go away on holiday? Do you need a training program to follow so that you can keep on top of your health and fitness while you’re away from your normal routine? Well, this is it! I’ve created the ‘Holiday Body Weight Training Program’ so that you can maintain a high level of full body strength and conditioning. Yes, holidays are about relaxing, having a reset, and getting away from the usual 9-5, but you don’t need to be anxious about taking the foot off the pedal and losing any momentum you’ve created the past few months at the gym. If you can maintain some level of focus while you’re away, it will make coming back to your normal routine not feel like there’s a mountain to climb, and there’s not lots of hard work ahead to get you back to where you were. Holidays are about switching off mentally, but you still need to physically move your body to make you feel mobile, strong, and fit – all the reasons why you exercise in the first place. After all, there’s only so much relaxing on a deck chair one can do without your guilty conscious telling you that you’ve eaten too much and you should get moving again.



Untitled-design Holiday Body Weight Training Program
Untitled-design-2 Holiday Body Weight Training Program

What’s Involved?

Ideally, you’d want to complete this program three times per week, not every day, but every other day. This program would be great to complete first thing in the morning, before you start your day. All up, this program should take you around 35-45 minutes (depending on your level of fitness).

Firstly, the program begins with some warmup and mobility exercises to get you loosened up and ready to workout. The main part of the workout involves an eight-exercise body weight circuit that you would follow along one exercise to the next. This program will give you a good all-round strength and fitness focus, your arms will be heavy, you should feel your abs, and you should be out of breath by the end.

I’ll provide you with a detailed program that describes exactly what to do. You will have access to video links where you can understand how to perform each exercise, all with a sharp focus on good technique. This program is challenging, and it will definitely improve your fitness, regardless of what end of the fitness spectrum you’re at. All exercises are progressive and scalable, so if you can’t perform the full version, there are alternatives. It’s all about doing your best!

To get started, use the payment link below to purchase the program. Once you’ve done this, I will send you an email with the PDF files that detail how to begin your Holiday Body Weight Training Program. If you do have any questions, at any time, just send me a direct message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

* This program is ideally suited to someone who already has a good foundation of strength and fitness. If you are mobile and have pain-free knees, lower back, and shoulders, then this program is for you.