Custom Programs
Are you self-motivated enough and wanting to follow your own training program by yourself? Then I can create you your very own specific program for you, just like I would for my one-to-one clients
An initial consultation is required on your very first session in order to discuss your fitness goals and get a full perspective of exactly what the best approach for you should be. We look into your injuries/limitations, health habits, diet and perform some baseline measurement & fitness tests to see your start point. Then with future program updates we can see positive strength & fitness changes
Once we have performed you program in the gym, I will email a PDF file with full explanations of exactly what to do when you’re training by yourself. Your program will be truly specific to you and your fitness goals
Full Body Exercise Program
Ideally suited if your goals include building lean muscle, strength & fitness, and reducing body fat. Ideally suited for beginners, anyone restarting a fitness program, or if you only have availability to exercise 3 sessions per week. This program is based on 2 separate sessions
Day 1:
Initial consultation (60-75 minutes)
Day 2:
This is the day we will be on the gym floor taking you through your program. This includes a comprehensive run-through of your program step by step, so you fully understand what to do (60 minutes)
Price $300
Split Body Exercise Program
If your goals include building strength and muscle, or if you plan to exercise more intensively, and can train on a more regular basis, then this option may be better suited to help you keep your program more balanced. Essentially these are two programs you would alternate each day you’re in the gym – Ideally you would want to be able to train 4-5 sessions per week. This package is based on 3 separate sessions
Day 1:
Initial consultation (60-75 minutes)
Days 2 & 3:
These are the days we will be on the gym floor taking you through your programs. This includes a comprehensive run-through of your programs step by step, so you fully understand what to do (60 minutes per session)
* More specific split body programming can be provided based on individual needs. Additional fees apply
Price $450
Located in the heart of Auckland central. We offer the perfect environment for those that want to focus only on results. Whatever your goals, we have the equipment to strengthen, shape, and improve your body.