Whatever your fitness goals, all the programs I offer are progressive. With your own personalised training program, I guarantee you’ll benefit from dedicated one-on-one training.
Whatever your fitness goals, all the programs I offer are progressive. With your own personalised training program, I guarantee you’ll benefit from dedicated one-on-one training.
Fat Loss
It’s not simply about counting calories and eating less. Yes, sometimes eating less of anything can generally help, but in order to effectively lose body fat does require a diet reset towards eating better quality nutrient-dense food. Sugar, and commercially made foods plays havoc with our hormones and instructs our bodies to store fat instead of using it as a source of fuel. By eating foods that don’t cause a spike in blood sugar, and subsequently insulin, will instruct the body to use our stored energy (fat) as a source of fuel
Eating cleaner foods (fresh fruit and vegetables, low starch carbohydrates, lean sources of protein, and good amounts of good fats, will help the body to increase energy, reduce inflammation, reduce body fat, improve sleep, and give you better mental focus. Cutting out highly processed foods that are full of sugar, artificial sweeteners, preservatives and additives will 100% make you feel better very quickly – I’m confident on this
Typically, I target fat loss with a three-fold approach of cardiovascular conditioning to improve fitness levels, along with strength training to increase lean muscle mass (increasing hormones like testosterone), will increase the body’s fat-burning potential. These two points, combined with a cleaner diet form the ingredients to healthily lose body fat and to be in control of your hormones, all without a great deal of sacrifice. It’s all about keeping it simple, and having a plan
Build Muscle
Do you want stronger leaner arms, add muscle to your upper body, or a stronger lower back and middle to help improve your posture? Having a focused approach towards specific strength training will build muscle to the areas you need it the most. You can’t spot reduce body fat, but you can build strength and muscle to specific areas of your body
To achieve gains in muscle mass we target the body in either full body resistance training sessions or with a split routine that focuses on certain muscle groups on certain days of the week. The best approach is determined by your experience and your current level of training. We will determine the best approach for you. To build muscle we must make sure we exercise at a good intensity, all while following the key exercises that promote the most muscle growth
There are some key weight lifting fundamentals that we will follow, but I will create a program specific for you and your current ability that factors in the right amount of overload, work vs rest, and progression, so that you can achieve effective results
Lean Definition
To become lean and achieve muscular definition you need to have both a low level of body fat, along with a good degree of lean muscle mass, in order to show a desired shape. It’s very common for people who want to become lean focus only on the fitness aspect, spending many hours on the treadmill or on other forms of cardio – focusing only on burning calories. You do get a good sweat-up by doing this and you will improve your aerobic fitness, but unfortunately this won’t build any muscle, and only contributes a very small component towards achieving your goals. In fact, countless hours on cardio will begin to strip down any muscle you do have as a source of energy, therefore taking you further away from your goal of being ‘toned’. Training in this manner only works one side of the equation
To enhance your true fat-burning potential ‘everybody’ does need to follow a dedicated strength program. You don’t have to become a body-builder or to train in a conventional weight training way to achieve a leaner, stronger body. Exercising the body in multi-dimensional ways via circuit-based body-weight training that involves pushing, pulling, twisting and moving your body in full-body movements will build strength and burn calories at the same time -effectively, you’re doing cardio with weights. As you progress, we can vary the sessions with dumbbells, medicine balls, skipping, and boxing to keep you focused and challenged – there’s so many options to do. From my experience I have found this to be a very effective method to build lean muscle, to lose body fat, and to become fit and strong top-to-toe
Strength & Conditioning
Do you play sport or have a sporting event fast approaching that you need to be fit and in shape for? If you haven’t played sport for a while and you’re scared you’re going to injure yourself, or you simply just want to improve your performance, then getting into some specific training is a good idea. We will assess how you move, what your weaknesses are, and understand your current level. From here, we can develop a good level of fundamental strength in key areas (typically the hips, core and shoulders), we can then progress to improving your overall physical, strength, power and fitness that is appropriate for your specific hobby or sport
We will follow the best exercises that target the key muscle groups in the movement pattern that are responsible for an improved performance, all while keeping you injury free at the same time
Flexibility & Mobility
Flexibility determines how much range of motion a particular joint has, and whether you are tight or restricted in certain movements that could result in pain, muscular imbalances and limitations in performance. We can understand your level of flexibility by performing functional movement tests that can determine which muscles are tight and what needs more focus
Whether you are someone who sits at a desk for long periods of the day, or you are someone who exercises most days, then chances are without a specific stretching program you will have developed tightness in certain key muscle groups. We will aim to stretch the muscles that need stretching and to strengthen the muscles that are weak, all helping to improve mobility and reduce injury
Cardiovascular Fitness
A good level of cardiovascular (aerobic and anaerobic) fitness is essential to form a foundation of general health. If you are someone who is out of breath after walking up only a few flights of stairs, then increasing your level of general fitness will have a direct positive impact on your daily life. Along with physically feeling better, the health benefits of performing regular aerobic exercise will help to reduce body fat, and help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer – just to name a few. As you become fit, your body will also release natural painkillers (endorphins) that promote a sense of wellbeing and more positive mindset towards all aspects of your life
We can improve your fitness in many ways, and not just the old fashioned way with hours spent on the treadmill or exercise bike. Exercising the body using a combination of body weight training, using dumbbells, boxing training, using medicine balls, kettlebells, skipping, and battle ropes are all ways to improve your fitness, to be challenged, and to have fun at the same time. From my experience, I’m confident you’ll find this style of training much more rewarding and more enjoyable than traditional forms of cardio
The benefits of even a little regular fitness training can often be felt within the first two weeks
Years in Personal Training industry
PT sessions performed
Most important outcome for my clients
Located in the heart of Auckland central. We offer the perfect environment for those that want to focus only on results. Whatever your goals, we have the equipment to strengthen, shape, and improve your body.